Overcoming Mental Health and Autoimmune Disease

What if you could get off the medicine train, fix your mental health and live the vibrant and healthy life you wanted?

This program is an easy step-by-step to help those who suffer from mental health and autoimmune diseases learn how to overcome them safely and effectively with a simple protocol.

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Overcoming Mental Health and Autoimmune Disease

What if you could get off the medicine train, fix your mental health and live the vibrant and healthy life you wanted?

This program is an easy step-by-step to help those who suffer from mental health and autoimmune diseases learn how to overcome them safely and effectively with a simple protocol.

Enroll Now

Living Healthy And Free Of Pain Shouldn’t Be So Hard

Have you tried several medications to no avail?

Are all the doctors you’ve seen saying you’re “fine”?

Do you keep having symptoms and new pain popping up?

Have you already tried a bunch of diets that changed nothing?

What If Could Heal AND Have Fun Doing It?

Identify Your Symptoms

Getting specific about what your symptoms are and the best course of action.

Adapted To Your Situation

Every meal, every supplement, every phase of the healing process is adapted to your individual needs.

Live Your Vibrant, Healthy Life

Finally live how you want: energetic, clear minded, pain free, with your ideal weight.

Ready To Join The Program? 


Enroll Now


The Answer to Overcoming Mental Health and Autoimmune Disease

An online program to help hose who suffer from mental health and autoimmune diseases learn how to overcome them safely and effectively with a simple protocol.


How The Program Works

This is a self pace program, with recorded video training, live monthly group coaching and exclusive resources.

Learning Platform

  • Upon entry to the course, you’ll be added to our online learning management system.
  • Here you will work at your own pace through pre-recorded videos and have access to numerous resources.
  • Your progress is recorded on the platform, and you can also listen to this while you're on the go with the mobile app.

Monthly Group Coaching

  • Join Stacy every month for a live coaching sessions (1 year access)
  • Meet a community of people going through the same circumstances
  • Get your questions answered and direct guidance from Stacy

Live Healthy & Pain Free

  • Get adapted solutions to your healing process and start your last recovering journey
  • Have fun while making progress and do it with others
  • Achieve your most vibrant health and get your life back

Plus Exclusive Access To The Mobile App To Watch The Program On-The-Go!

What People Are Saying…


Meet Stacy Mickelson

I'm a single mama to three amazing girls, an aspiring best selling author, course creator, amateur book collector, and lover of learning, kids, adventure, and Seinfeld.

I never thought I'd be where I am today - teaching others about nutrition in relation to disease and good health. When I was growing up the only vegetables I ate were carrots drenched in ranch dressing, and canned corn. Yuck! I don't remember eating anything green, ever! And now, here I am - my favorite vegetable is kale, and every morning you'll find me juicing celery or some other favorite vegetable.

I’ve been helping kids for years in person, getting them to LOVE eating healthy, and I’m so happy to be able to bring that in an online format today :)

Fixing your mental health and living pain free is about having a sustainable process

  • Do you want to join a community and stop feeling alone in this?
  • Are you done letting these symptoms lingering?
  • Are you ready to go on the other side of pain and live a healthy life?
  • Are you tired of all the medicines and visits to the doctors?

Are you ready to finally take action?


Enroll Today

Get instant access to the learning platform

Go Through The Program

And join the monthly coaching session

Live Your Healthiest Life

Finally live pain-free and happy

Enroll Now

Enroll Into The Program TODAY

One Time Payment
